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"Experience Elevated: Affordable Luxury Eyewear for the Discerning Eye."

EYE KNACK was born from a passion for exceptional eye care and a desire to make premium eyewear accessible to all. 

For over 22 years, our founder, Moose Zahid, a certified optician with extensive experience managing practices and operating his own stores, witnessed a gap in the market: a lack of truly affordable luxury eyewear. This dedication extends beyond business. EYE KNACK, actively supports local charities with free frame adjustments as donations. With EYE KNACK, this commitment to community and value continues. Driven by a vision of affordable luxury eyewear and a commitment to community eye care, we've established relationships with skilled manufacturers to source premium materials and create our luxury eyewear collections at an accessible price point. E’ye Knack’s extensive network within the San Francisco optometry community, including optometrists, ophthalmologists, and surgeons, ensures we stay at the forefront of eye care trends and prioritize your vision health. 

Discover the difference for yourself. 

Browse our curated collections of affordable luxury eyewear and find your perfect pair today!